to Dec 2

Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) National Conference 2021

Each year, the Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) National Conference brings together the largest Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health workforce audience to network, create personal and cultural connections, and to hear from leaders across fields.

The conference is hosted by IAHA, a national, member-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health organisation. IAHA leads sector workforce development and support to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Read more and book online via the IAHA website.

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to Nov 19

Indigenous Leadership Summit 2021

‘Indigenous knowledge and culture can transform and enrich Australian organisations and make them stand out in the global economy. This [online] event brings together Indigenous leaders, inspiring individuals, government and industry stakeholders and workplace representatives from across the country to examine cultural heritage, leadership opportunities and strengths, and what we can do to ensure greater opportunities in the future.’

Read more and book via the website.

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to Oct 29

Indigenous Cultural Heritage Conference 2021

  • Grand Hyatt Melbourne (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hosted by the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council, the National Native Title Council and the University of Melbourne.

The Taking Control of our Heritage – Indigenous Cultural Heritage Conference 2021 provides the first opportunity for Traditional Owners and their allies to meet, discuss, and develop programs, strategies and ideas to take control of their cultural heritage in Australia.

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to Sep 2

SNAICC 9th National Conference 2021

  • Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The conference theme is: Our Children Matter: Innovative approaches to new world challenges

The conference is hosted by SNAICC – National Voice for our Children. SNAICC is the national non-government peak body in Australia representing the interest of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

According to the conference website, “2020 has been a year like no other, and our communities have been challenged more than ever by the environmental impacts of the raging summer bushfires and then the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by the momentum gained in the Black Lives Matter movement. Our children’s futures matter more than ever, and despite the challenges we are walking down a path towards greater outcomes for our children with a committed and inclusive approach to closing the gap, a national early childhood strategy and local innovative approaches that enables Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to determine the future of our children.”

Read more on the conference website.

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10:30 PM22:30

"Aboriginal Control of Aboriginal Affairs: An Aboriginal Parliament and Public Service"

"Aboriginal Control of Aboriginal Affairs: An Aboriginal Parliament and Public Service" is the 4th in a series of Treaty Discussion papers which examines the key issues for Traditional Owners in Victoria's treaty process. Join this online discussion at 12:30PM AEST hosted by the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owners. See more online.

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11:30 AM11:30

Healing Country, Healing Futures: Aspirations for Country and Community

An online NAIDOC Week event and yarn about Healing Country with several fantastic speakers, hosted by Paris Mordecai.

The event is hosted by the Indigenous Knowledge Institute in partnership with the Faculty of Science at the University of Melbourne.

Read more and book via the Indigenous Knowledge Institute event page.

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to Jun 4

AIATSIS Summit and National Native Title Conference 2021

According to the AIATSIS website, ‘the AIATSIS National Native Title Conference and the National Indigenous Research Conference will be held together over five days.

The 2021 AIATSIS Summit is being co-convened with the South Australian Native Title Services (SANTS) and Kaurna Yerta Aboriginal Corporation (KYAC) on Kaurna Yerta (land) at the Adelaide Convention Centre in South Australia.

The Summit theme is: Footprints for the future - Tracking our journey together.

The Summit provides a unique forum for First Nations Peoples to gather together to address critical and emerging challenges as well as opportunities to support and strengthen our cultures, knowledge and governance. The event will bring together Indigenous leaders, academics, and policy makers from around the country into one community of practice.’

Read more information on the AIATSIS website.

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to Jun 3

Reconciliation Week 2021 - 'More than a word. Reconciliation takes action.'

Reconciliation Australia explains that “National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The dates for NRW remain the same each year; 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively. “ See Reconciliation Australia’s website for more information and local events.

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to May 24

Indigenous Voice to Parliament - community consultations

The National Indigenous Australian’s Agency (NIAA) explains that “the proposals for an Indigenous Voice would provide a way for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians to provide advice and input on matters that are important to improve their lives.

The proposals have been developed by the Indigenous Voice co-design groups and could be made up of two parts – Local and Regional Voices and a National Voice.

Local and Regional Voices would be community designed and led governance structures at a regional level. The National Voice would be a national body made up of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Public consultation and input is critical to ensure the best possible proposals are presented by the Indigenous Voice co-design groups in their final report to the Australian Government.

Now is the time to provide your feedback on the proposals at a consultation session or, you can find out more and complete a survey or submission at any time on the Indigenous Voice website.”

Community consultations around Australia are listed on the NIAA website.

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6:00 PM18:00

Our Country, Our Way: How Indigenous people and knowledge can save Australia’s environmental and social unravelling

Naarm Oration 2020

Hosted by the University of Melbourne.

Australia is in the midst of both environmental and social crises. With the highest rate of biodiversity loss on earth, the country is facing an ever-increasing barrage of massive catastrophic wildfires that wreak untold environmental damage and its First Peoples are among the most disadvantaged and disaffected demographic.

In the 2020 Narrm Oration, Associate Professor Fletcher will argue that many of Australia’s current environmental problems can be traced to the impact of British invasion and the violent and devastating effects this has had on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Embedding the Aboriginal world view and notion of Country into mainstream Australia has the potential to benefit the lives and livelihoods of all Australians and our Country.

Read more and register online.

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1:00 PM13:00

Time for Change A Discussion about Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws

Presented by the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council with the National Native Title Council and the University of Melbourne.

Join Traditional Owners from across Australia on Thursday 26th November to explore the practical and legislative framework that should protect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage. Read more and register online.

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6:00 PM18:00

Laying the Foundations for Treaty: Agreements, Treaties & Negotiated Settlements (ATNS) new website launch

Join us for a conversation about treaty, agreement making and nation building to launch the new Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements (ATNS) website.

ATNS is a one of a kind resource, aiming to empower Traditional Owners through information. Recently re-developed in a partnership between the University of Melbourne (UoM) and the National Native Title Council (NNTC), ATNS is an information gateway, capturing the range and variety of agreement making with First Nations peoples in Australia and other parts of the world. Its purpose is to encourage transparency and knowledge around agreement making, with a focus on nation building, First Nations governance and treaty.

Join Professor Pip Nicholson (Dean of Melbourne Law School), in conversation with Professor Marcia Langton AO (Foundation Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies, UoM), Jamie Lowe (CEO of the NNTC & member of the VIC First Peoples’ Assembly) and Amanda Porter (Senior Fellow, Indigenous Programs, Melbourne Law School), with an introduction by the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP. The panel will explore how data, research and knowledge contribute to nation building and treaty processes.

This University of Melbourne-hosted event takes place on 12 November: ‘Laying the Foundations for Treaty: Agreements, Treaties & Negotiated Settlements (ATNS) new website launch’. Join us for an introduction to ATNS and live webinar Q&A.

This free event is part of the National Treaties Summit (NTS) webinar series. NTS is a national dialogue contributing to the momentum of agreement making and treaty across Australia. NTS is co-organised by Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTaR), the NNTC and UoM.

This online event takes place on Thursday 12 November, 6-7.15pm AEDT. Tickets are free but registration is essential. Register online.

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to Nov 15

NAIDOC Week (8-15 November 2020)

NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The week is a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

This year, NAIDOC week has been postponed to 8-15 November 2020. The theme for NAIDOC week 2020 is Always Was, Always Will Be. The theme recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.

Learn more on the NAIDOC website.

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to Dec 31

IMW Australia - On Demand!

Hosted by the Indigenous Mapping Workshop.

The IMW Australia - On Demand will host your favourite Indigenous mapping training in one, accessible place.

The IMW Australia - On Demand is built on Open edX, a software used to deliver online courses, and can be accessed by all IMW participants. Users do not need to have any additional technical skills and it’s free to participate for anyone who has been accepted via the application form.

IMW Australia - On Demand will host culturally appropriate content for participants of all mapping abilities and will provide workshop sessions on a variety of different platforms and mapping software.

Workshop sessions will be self-paced and available for participants to access at their leisure, utilising both desktop learning and virtual labs.

Read more on the IMW website.

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to Nov 13

Workshop: Methods and approaches for optimising use of linked data in Indigenous Health Research

This workshop is facilitated by Professors Sandra Eades and Marcia Langton. It is part of the International Population Data Linkage - Virtual Conference 2020 from 1 November to 13 November 2020.

The 2020 conference themes include:

  • Research using real-world data

  • Multi-sector data linkage

  • COVID-19 and other communicable diseases

  • Indigenous health and well-being

  • Data linkage, methods, systems and technology

  • Advanced analytics and methods

  • Public involvement, ethics, law and social implications

Internationally recognised high-profile keynote speakers will showcase leading developments and emerging issues in research, governance and technical fields.

See the Program and Register online.

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4:00 PM16:00

Native Title: Revolutionary Change Series - Part 1

Hosted by the Forum for Directors of Indigenous Organisations.

This Panel discussion will examine:

- the adaptation Aboriginal communities had to make within their communities to merge cultural practices and decision making into the corporate world whilst fighting for heritage protection.

- what were the success factors and lessons learnt?

- what is the core inherent protections, key legal and institutional changes needed to ensure thriving healthy and sustainable corporations?

Purchase tickets and register online for the event.

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to Dec 31

National Treaties Summit - Free Online Events

  • Melbourne Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (ANTaR), the University of Melbourne and the National Native Title Council (NNTC) are collaborating with other key partners and stakeholders to host the National Treaties Summit (postponed until 2021 due to COVID-19).

Until then, the organising partners are continuing a series of free online events so that we can engage, learn more, and continue to build momentum for treaties across Australia. Visit the National Treaties Summit website for ongoing information about online events.

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